Dogs and Humans have been Partners for Millennia;

Build your Communication, Enjoy your Partnership


Loose Leash Partnership believes that trust, communication and joy are the foundation of any productive partnership.  We help you strengthen your partnership with your dog through practical exercises to develop verbal and body language tools. 


Our Training Philosophy

We believe in setting a dog up for success.  Consistent boundaries,  clear messaging, the opportunity to practice behaviors, and a gradual increase in the level of challenge are key components of effective training.

Partnership Plans »


What We Don't Do

Animals can't learn when they are stressed and there is nothing more dangerous than a dog who is suppressing fear.  That is why we do not use pain or intimidation in our training.  We agree with the US Military that a partnership based on trust and a desire to work together is more reliable than a subservience based on dominance.

Resources and Suggested Reading »


Partnership Trainer

Elise has over ten years experience working with dogs to develop good manners and overcome daunting behavioral challenges.


Every Dog is Unique

Build off your dog's strengths to introduce new behaviors. Understand your dog's motivation to phase out unwanted behaviors.


Dogs are so tuned in to people that they are the only animals that can follow a person's gaze or pointing finger to figure out where a piece of food is hidden.  Wolves can't do it, and neither can chimpanzees.

— Temple Grandin, "Animals Make us Human"